Kinbaku Life Drawing Workshops
'The Salon of Kinbaku'
Respected British artist, performer and rope bondage specialist ‘Nawashi Murakawa’, takes you on a journey of very traditional Japanese rope bondage or ‘Kinbaku’, in the form of an instructional life drawing salon.
Here you can experience, in a intimate environment, a truly unique master-class where you can capture, in the medium of your choice, a wonderful variety of traditional ‘Kinbaku’ positions as beautifully demonstrated by Nawashi’s ‘M-jo’ or model.
Everyone of all levels of ability can enjoy and benefit from the years of practical illustration and rope bondage experience from Murakawa.
Paper and charcoal is provided for all or you can bring your own drawing mediums.
Photography is permitted under the guidance of Murakawa at various times throughout the evening.
For details of the Salon of Kinbaku at the forthcoming 2nd London Festival of the Art of Japanese Bondage taking place between 2nd-5th April 2010
please click this link.
The 8th & 9th Salon of Kinbaku Life Drawing Class - 24th & 25th* July 2010
July 23-25, 2010 @ schwelle7 in Berlin - a weekend of workshops, performances and lectures
How much sexuality can art take? Can lust also be art?
These questions led Berlin choreographer Felix Ruckert to create the xplore festival in 2004. Since then, approx. 300 people from a wide variety of fields (dancers, sex workers, philosophers, tantric practitioners, and many others) have met each year on the last weekend in July to pursue the topic in workshops, lectures and performances.
This year as well, xplore opens its gates.
July 23-25, 2010, 18 teachers will provide insight into their respective areas of expertise, and research them together with the participants.
Photograph: Mia Makita, Finland
xplore sees itself as a crossover event, somewhere between conference, workshop event, celebration and social sculpture. It stems from our wish to relate rituals of sensuality to each other beyond community lines and encourage exchange between S/M circles, gay and lesbian subculture and also the tantric and dance communities.
The program is set up so that 3 workshops are always running parallel. So it should be possible to find the right one for each person. It's the agony of choice!
The topic of what is already the seventh edition of xplore10 is: "Evolution – Levels Of Increased Decadence".
We will examine biology, the diverse animalistic influences on life and love, and our kinship to the sexuality of other lifeforms. What is the biological mechanism of our sexuality? What archaic laws determine the function of eyes, mouth, nose and ears, skin and genitals?
And perhaps we will be able to glimpse the future, and contemplate the path that a constantly expanding idea of sexuality will take.
What is socially relevant, what is political in sexual expression? Can we, as sexual explorers, give new impulses? For an affirmation of sensuality, but also against its stagnation? For the lifting of bans, but also against half-hearted liberality? Against anesthetizing our touch but also against touchiness?
As in the years before, the workshops are open and offer the possibility of participating to those who think and love unconventionally of any sexual identity and orientation.
The complete program is posted at
The Facts:
Alice Godfroy, (Bln), Barbara Carrellas (USA), die MIA (Nbg), Felix Ruckert (Bln), Flügelkatze and Nightwolf (Bln), Henri (Bln), Kai Ehrhardt (Bln), Laudana (Bln), Maggie Tapert (CH), Nawashi Murakawa (GB), Ottokar Lehrner (Bln), Peter Banki (AUS), p_l_u_t_o (Bln), Sabine Sonnenschein (A), Saskia und Ulf (Bln), Simala und Pangur (Bln), Undine (HH), Zana Tondela (GB)
Event dates:
Friday, July 23 + Saturday, July 24 + Sunday, July 25, 2010
Each day from 10a.m. to 10p.m.
Final party on Sunday, July 25, from 10p.m.
3-day-ticket: advance sale 145€ (only till june 30th!!!) - box office 170€
1-day-ticket: advance sale 70€ (only till june 30th!!!) - box office 80€
Event location:
schwelle 7, Uferstrasse 6 Backyard, 13357 Berlin-Wedding
U8 Station: Pankstrasse + U9 Station Osloer Strasse
*25th July 2010 - Japanese Bondage, the Cultural Context - A talk.
Following his fifth visit to Japan on a religious pilgrimage in Shikoku,
Murakawa will give an illustrated talk to present his personal ideas of the relationship of Kinbaku to the rules, religion ans art of Japanese society.
With a question and answer session to follow
Pictures by kind permission of Tom Medwell at
The 7th Salon of Kinbaku Life Drawing Class - Monday 5th April 2010
The closing ceremony and last event of the Second Annual London Festival of the Art of Japanese Bondage will be this special extended edition of the drawing class to be held on the evening of Monday 5th April 2010 between the hours of 20.00 - 24.00 hrs.
It will feature the extra delights of a spirited Shamisen performance from the hands of Miyo Urushihara and also showcase Murakawa's favourite Mjos Suzie Wong and Maki Nakasone, who will be tied in Kimono and Ofiice Lady attire.
Max Luther will also return to Ajyo, but this time will include elements of traditional Japanese Martial Arts in his pose.
Traditional Osembe and snacks will be available - if everyone is keen there may be an after party! £20.00
The 6th Salon of Kinbaku Life Drawing Class - Thursday 25th February 2010
As February ended did you join Nawashi Murakawa for the 6th Salon of Kinbaku Japanese bondage life drawing class to be held yet again at the Resistance Gallery, 265 Poyser Street, Bethnal Green, London E2 9RF on Thursday 25th February, 2010?
The event started at 7:30pm, finishing at 11:30pm, featuring three models [mjyo and ajyo]
with complimentary yokan and mugi-cha.
The 5th Salon of Kinbaku Life Drawing Class - Wednesday 13th January 2010
Did you brighten up your January blues by joining Nawashi Murakawa for the
5th Salon of Kinbaku
Japanese bondage life drawing class to be held yet again at the
Resistance Gallery, 265 Poyser Street,
Bethnal Green, London E2 9RF
on Wednesday 13th January, 2010?
The event started at 7:30pm, finishing at 11:30pm, and featured three models [mjyo's] with complimentary yokan and mugi-cha.
The 4th Salon of Kinbaku Life Drawing Class - Friday 21 August 2009
The Fourth Salon of Kinbaku Life Drawing Class took place on Friday 21st August 2009 - Murakawa's 62nd birthday - followed by an after-party with free sake. Returning to the Resistance Gallery, 265 Poyser St, London, E2 9RF, this unique life drawing class was both to improve observational skills and artistic ones while gaining a new and greater understanding of the art of Kinbaku.
Here there were models being erotically tied and suspended in the ancient and traditional Japanese way for short periods of time enabling artists to capture their likeness on paper using the medium of their choice.
It was also Murakawa's birthday so after the drawing had finished, the celebrations began with Sake, osembi and various other Japanese snacks, drinks and party time.
Dr Peter Davis took terrific photographs click on any picture below to go to the Gallery Page.
The 3rd Salon of Kinbaku Life Drawing Class - Thursday 23rd July 2009
The 3rd Salon of Kinbaku Life Drawing Class will be taking place on Thursday the 23rd of July 2009 at the Resistance Gallery, 265 Poyser Street, Bethnal Green E2 9RF.
Respected British artist, performer, rope bondage specialist and one of the London festival of the art of Japanese bondage co-creators,Nawashi Murakawa, returns by popular demand, after the spectacular success of last months 1st annual London Festival of the Art of Japanese Bondage events, to present another installation of the 'Salon of Kinbaku'.
Starting Thursday 23rd of July at 8pm, ‘Murakawa’, will take you on a journey of very traditional Japanese rope bondage, or ‘Kinbaku’, in the form of an instructional life drawing salon.
Here you can experience, in a intimate environment, a truly unique master-class where you can capture, in the medium of your choice, a wonderful variety of traditional ‘Kinbaku’ positions as beautifully demonstrated by Nawashi’s ‘M-jo’ or model.
Everyone of all levels of ability can enjoy and benefit from the years of practical illustration and rope bondage experience from Murakawa.
Paper and charcoal is provided for all or you can bring your own drawing mediums.
Photography is only permitted under the guidance of Murakawa at various times throughout the evening.
This was our subtle yet impact-full beginning event at last months festival and we were more than pleasantly surprised at the amount of lovely artists who attended.
Please come along, socialize and have a sketch, draw or paint at one of, if not THE, most unique life drawing classes in the world today.
£10 entry on the door.
Many thanks to Patrick Siboni for the amazing photographs
Updated: 13 May 2009
The 1st annual London Festival of the Art of Japanese Bondage
“Illuminating, educating and fun 4 day weekend festival of events: Featuring all aspects of Kinbaku/Shibari, the traditional & modern art of Japanese rope bondage."
Starting Thursday 25th June 2009 through to Sunday 28th 2009, the very cream of London’s and the international Kinbaku/Shibari set are bringing together an amazing 4 day programme of events in East London's own avant garde, cultural secret hideaway, 'Resistance Gallery'.
Nawashi Murakawa is heavily involved in this event, including the Opening Night event - Day 1: Thursday 25th June: 8pm