Nawashi Murakawa - Film, Video, TV Productions
Current and most recent projects
'Bondage Thoughts'
Nawashi Murakawa has worked on the award-winning 'Bondage Thoughts', directed by Kennny D Rye, of Kendo productions.
Playboy Channel: 2006-2008
Nawashi Murakawa has worked on two separate series of five 30 minute programmes for the Playboy Channel directed by John Luton. His principal involvement is providing art direction and Japanese rope bondage that is featured extensively throughout the series as well as props, setting and styling.
'Repenthouse' film work (July 2005)
Nawashi Murakawa's role in the production has included production design with responsibility for logos, graphics, artwork, construction of cages, props, sets, Japanese bondage.
A gallery featuring a selection of photos from the production of the film is available. View the 'Repenthouse' gallery.
Previous Film, Video, & TV Productions
Prod. Name | Pain IS |
Prod. Info | Directed Steve Dwoskin ZDF Mainz Arte/ Films de ICI |
Tx Date | Released and shown in Europe 1997 |
Description | Independent film documentary about all the complex aspects of pain |
My contribution | Japanese rope bondage and interviews with two women |
Running Time | 50 minutes |
Prod. Name | FHM Review |
Prod. Info | EMAP Radio/Publishing UK |
Tx Date | Channel Five UK Winter 1998 |
Description | TV Documentary made in 'Euro Trash' style |
My contribution | Interviews and Japanese Rope bondage with man and women tied together |
Running Time | 60 minutes |
Prod. Name | Bravo's Backroom |
Prod. Info | Bravo, Grip House studios, Molinaire |
Tx Date | Bravo TV, Sky TV. Shown 100s of times in 1998 |
Description | TV Film and corporate video |
My contribution | Interviews and v/os with filmed performance of Japanese rope bondage with one girl. Sync sound, shot in 35mm |
Running Time | 1 1/2 minute and 2 1/2 minute versions |
Prod. Name | Japanese Bondage Art Performance from the hands of Nawashi Murakawa |
Prod.Info | GD Graphics in conjunction with Nawashi Murakawa. Direction - George Diambov |
Tx Date | Independent release date - Spring 1997 |
Description | Independent underground style documentary video |
My contribution | Shot live in numerous London SM clubs with 'mixed' US/UK/Japanese industrial music soundtrack. Japanese rope bondage with many women, men, transvestites and transsexuals, shot in very difficult club locations. |
Running Time | 60 minutes |
Prod. Name | Japanese women - wanted to volunteer (M'JYO) for a rope bondage session (Kinbaku) |
Prod. Info | SIAD productions Surrey UK |
Tx Date | Winter 1998, Student Film Festival |
Description | Independent TV documentary. Multi screen visual style short |
My contribution | V/o interview and performances and scenarios of Japanese rope bondage with 3 women and one man. Shot at Murakawa Productions. |
Running Time | 10 minutes |
Prod. Name | The Swords |
Prod. Info | Ridley Scott Associates (RSA London). Direction - Tony Scott |
Tx Date | TV series, UK. Summer 1998 Sky One TV/US TV station |
Description | Feature and TV series for US release |
My contribution | Japanese rope bondage on location shoot at 'Ministry of Sound' London. Including bondaged girls as Go-Go dancers in cages and supplying special props, materials, suspended figures and 8 good bondage extras |
Running Time | 8 TV episodes of 60 minutes |
Prod. Name | British Sex |
Prod. Info | September Films Molinaire London |
Tx Date | 9 TV episodes late Autumn 1998. My episode, Part 9 special shown Jan 11, 1999 |
Description | TV adult documentary series |
My contribution | Interviews v/os and Japanese rope bondage performance with 2 women, both suspensions |
Running Time | 60 minutes programmes, 7 minute insert |
Prod. Name | Bravo's Basement |
Prod. Info | Bravo TV Molinaire |
Tx Date | #78 Autumn 1998 |
Description | Light entertainment late night chat show |
My contribution | Location shoot in London nightclub, with interviews and Japanese rope bondage with one girl |
Running Time | 6 minute insert, 30 minute programme |
Prod. Name | Skin Two CD Rom No 1 |
Prod.Info | Dervish Studios Brighton UK Direction/Cam Tony Luke |
Tx Date | Skin Two Fetish Magazine London - spring 1998 |
Description | CD Rom production, Ehned on location at Murakawa Productions |
My contribution | Sepia finted Japanese rope bondage performance with special music theme, with one girl. |
Running Time | 6 minutes (Quick time movie and full screen video versions) |
Prod. Name | Trouble on Earth |
Prod. Info | Roller Coaster Productions London. Directed Alex Kaufmann |
Tx Date | 1998 |
Description | Independent feature |
My contribution | Japanese rope bondage with main actress on location shoot in London SM club. |
Running Time | 120 minutes |
Prod. Name | Real Bondage |
Prod. Info | Subliem Video Production, MJP 242, Rotterdam, Netherlands. Directed Henk Albronda |
Tx Date | Summer 1997 |
Description | Subliem SM Magazine Video production |
My contribution | Three 'Hard Core' Japanese rope bondage performances shot on location with one woman. |
Running Time | 60 minutes |
Prod. Name | Diesel Fashion Company |
Prod. Info | Style Lab London |
Tx Date | Video, Winter 1998 |
Description | Corporate video & commercial |
My contribution | London Fashion Week, Autumn 1998. Japanese rope bondage and all accessories for models on live fashion show at Earls Court Exhibition Centre London. Special materials, bondage for 18 girls and 6 men. Nearly 90 changes in less than 25 minutes. |
Running Time | 20 minutes |
Prod. Name | '1 to 1' |
Prod. Info | Televisie produkfie Amsterdam TVA interview by Sula |
Tx Date | Channel A1 Amsterdam Netherlands, Summer 1997 |
Description | Daytime TV interview and chat show |
My contribution | Interviews and live Japanese rope bondage performance with one man in Amsterdam club location |
Running Time | 20 minutes, in 30 minute programme |
Prod. Name | Fashion Tsushin/Diesel |
Prod.Info | STN TV Tokyo Japan |
Tx Date | STN TV Tokyo 1998 |
Description | Fashion, weekly TV programme |
My contribution | Hi-lights of Diesel's London Fashion Week show. Diesel were given more time than numerous others because of my Japanese rope bondage in fashion show. |
Running Time | 30 minute programme |
Prod. Name | Nightrider #1 |
Prod. Info | Televisie produktie Amsterdam TVA Prod Dorine Baas. |
Tx Date | Spring 1997 SBS 6 TV Netherlands. |
Description | Euro trash style TV show. Bizarre filmed reports and interviews, filmed on location in London. |
My contribution | In depth interview at Murakawa Prods in East London, followed by live Japanese rope bondage performance in SM club with woman taken around Soho tied In Comode chair. The last scene shot in MacDonalds in Shaftsbury Avenue, Picadilly London. |
Running Time | 30 minute programme, my insert: last 15 minutes (1/2 of show). |
Prod. Name | Nightrider #2 |
Prod. Info | Televisie produktie Amsterdam TVA Prod Dorine Baas |
Tx Date | Summer 1997 SBS 6 TV Netherlands |
Description | A TV 'sequel'of #1 filmed on location in Amsterdam Netherlands. |
My contribution | Interview at 'De Mask' new catalogue launch and press conference held after Europerve May 1997. Also including Hi-lghts of my staged show of Japanese rope bondage. |
Running Time | 6 minute insert in 30 minute programme. |
Prod. Name | 'Archangel Thunderbird' |
Prod. Info | Starring Doug Bradly (Pinhead in four 'Hellraiser' movies) and Eileen Daly ('Razorblade Smile'). Manga images animation. Direction Tony Luke. |
Tx Date | Summer 1998. Sci-Fi Channel, Sky TV/UK. |
Description | Independent Manga,'Sci-Fi feature' pilot. |
My contribution | Set styling, props and Japanese rope bondage with Eileen Daly. Shot on location In Brighton UK. |
Running Time | 60 minutes TV/film/pilot. |
Numerous private video and photo sessions
Radio Broadcasts
Prod. Name | 'Sex Talks' |
Prod.Info | Liberty FM Talk Radio London |
Tx Date | Spring 1998 |
Description | Live interview and chat show dealing with adult topics. |
My contribution | Full 30 minutes live radio interviews and discussion about Japanese rope bondage. |
Running Time | 30 minutes |
Club Events (some of the below, many times)
'Torture Garden London. Sex Maniacs Ball (Erotic Oscar winner 1998). Adventures of Cwendoline. Renaissance I and II. The House of Sister Switchblade. Night School. Spanner SM-Ball. Bound and Gagged. Submission. Indecent Exposure. Club Succumb. The Fetish Market. Arcadia I and II. Rubber Nipple Club. League of Hedonists. Club Saucy. Club Rub. Club Domina. Club Whiplash. Skin Two Rubber Ball. SM-Pride.
Other UK Events
Endorfin Visions Brighton. Sundissential Rubber Ball., Birmingham. Club Whip. Apocrasy, Birmingham. Mostly Harmless Leeds.
Torture Garden Dungeon
Designed, lit and created by Nawashi Murakawa. Including props, lamps, shrines, scrolls, musicians, temples, ceramics stages. Kimonos and special Japanese dungeon decor. I also make Japanese rope bondage workshop nights at all the events (July to December 1998) with Resident Dominitrix, Madame Tachibana. A six month commitment.
Europe Events
'Europerve' Amsterdam, Netherlands 1997 and 1998. 'Smartschip' Amsterdam 1998. 'Fetish Freaks Festival' Amsterdam 1998. Cellar Club Amsterdam 1997 and 1998. 'Absolute Arrogance' Amsterdam 1998. 'Suite 16' Amsterdam 1998. 'Planet Sex' Muiden Netherlands 1997. Zurich 'Love Parade' 1997. 'Temple of Madness' Zurich Switzerland 1997. 'Terrinus' Olten Switzerland 1997. 'Mad-Max' II Arosa Switzerland 1997. 'Mad-Max' III 1998. Arosa Switzerland. 'Fetish Revolution' Nuremberg Germany 1997. 'La Boutique Demonia' Paris France 1998. 'Urgence' (Emergency) Paris France 1998.
Rest of World Events
'Dept H' On Air West Tokyo Japan 1998. The 'Salon' of Sensil Aketchl Denki Tokyo Japan 1998.
Skin Two Tour
'London Fetish in the USA' 1997 including:
'The Bank' New York. 'Arena Blaze' dominatrix party, Manhatten New York. 'Squeeze Club' Fort Lauderdale. 'Paddles' at Pandoras Box Manhattan New York. 'Nutcracker Suite' Manhattan New York. 'Smack-Party' at Fat Boys Manhattan New York USA (all 1997).
Interviews, Features, Photo sessions
Subliem SM Magazine Rotterdam Holland
Marquis Magazine Solingen Germany
Demonia Magazine Paris France
SM Sniper Magazine* Tokyo Japan
Bizarre Magazine* Tokyo Japan
M Magazine Tokyo Japan
Nyan Nyan Club* Tokyo Japan (Club)
Ritual Magazine London UK
Plus others
* The best-Japanese Bondage Magazines
Special Events, Press Conferences, Parties
'Preaching to the Perverted' feature film world premiere launch party. Hosted by Skin Two Magazine, held at Heaven Club London 1997. 'Eros in Hell' Japanese exploitation Cinema. Book launch party. Hosted by Creation Books London 1998. Seminars and workshops at Rubber Ball Weekend 1998, Spanner SM-BaIls preview 1997.
Pop Videos
6 inch killers - TX 1997/ TV Babies - TX 1998